
Leyland Lines is our monthly newsletter providing investors with our insights on the overall market, individual companies and other relevant issues. All the information contained in this newsletter is for general reading only and should not be taken as a personal recommendation. Companies and ideas discussed in this newsletter are not necessarily buy or sell recommendations. We don’t know when the opportunity to purchase or sell at favourable prices may occur, but when it does we act decisively. For that reason we encourage clients to allow us discretion using our Individually Managed Account service.

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Timeless Thoughts

The Superinvestors of ‘Graham & Doddsville’ and the Business Owner Mindset

It's no coincidence some of the greatest investors of all time are prophets of value investing. Each may invest in different assets and securities but almost all of them look ...
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Why Smart People Do Dumb Things

Warren Buffett gave an important lecture at Florida University on 15 October, 19981. An eager MBA student asked him about his involvement in the rescue of one of the most ...
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May 2024 Insights

After a fall of nearly 3% in April, the market has rallied nearly 2% in May. Several market records have been broken recently, with several indices setting new highs. The ...
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April 2024 Insights

The ASX ended the month down about 3.5%. The market drifted lower earlier in the month as tensions in the middle east spiked, then rallied as the threat of escalating ...
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March 2024 Insights

The market has risen approximately 0.6% in March, extending the move up from the lows in November 2023 to above 14% (excl. dividends). The Australian market has risen approximately 8% ...
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